
a piece of advice my dad gave me and I’ve never forgotten is, “if you won’t worry about it in 4 months, don’t worry about it now.” saved me countless times, it’s a philosophy to adopt and help improve your life. Failed a test? ask yourself if you’ll think about this still in 4 months? Made a fool of yourself in public? I doubt even the people who saw it will remember it past today. Know you could have done better? Ran further? don’t beat yourself up over it, you can do better tomorrow. Don’t overthink things, a lot of negatives matter less than you think they do.


Listen though, fuck the dragon. Because he told Merlin that his destiny was to save Arthur and then went and attempted to kill Arthur himself. THEN he let the dragon (the one that later created the blade that murdered Arthur) go free and wind up in Morgana’s care, so basically this whole show is a conspiracy by this fucking overgrown lizard who is trying to ruin Merlin’s life, can we please have more posts dragging this infernal talking sentient rock





Most fic writers are like…
No offense but why do people portray him only as a clumsy awkward piece of a manservent that needs Arthur’s protection. Isn’t he like, I don’t know, MOST POWERFUL SORCERER EVER?

i think what makes Merlin so likeable to most people (at least he does to me) is that he is both, actually. yes, he is a klutz and he can be awkward, but still he is pretty awesome and kicks ass when he needs to. yes, he sometimes plays the fool purposely to appear unassuming (and it works so well too…), but i think he just has that sort of light-hearted personality in general. it doesn’t mean he’s an idiot 😉

also, remember in the last episode, when Arthur asked him if the whole foolish manservant thing was all just an act, and he grinned and said “no it’s just another part of my charm”

YES! To all of this ^ He is BOTH! ❤ ❤ ❤ 

Exactly! Characters are complex, and I think it’s doing writers a disservice to say that they all only portray Merlin one way (or the wrong way, lol). The good thing about fandom is that there’s room enough for multiple interpretations of the same character, and I honestly think everyone’s take on him is a little different, or emphasises different things depending on their POV (or what the fic/trope/plot inspires).

However, that said, I have a couple of easy solutions to OP’s problem:

1. Write your own fic. There’s always room for more BAMF!Merlin.

2. Prompt someone else to write it for you. The Kink Meme is opening soon!

3. Ask for fic recs. Because I’m pretty sure most of us could give you at least three different BAMF!Merlin links off the tops of our heads.

I know it can be frustrating when there’s not enough stuff you like (*quietly waves Smart!Arthur banner in the background*), but, you know. That doesn’t mean everyone else’s interpretations are wrong. Live and let live, yeah?
