
Something for @bottom-arthur‘s week-long “Bottom Arthur Fest”! I told myself I had no time to do a piece for it… but it’s the last day and I couldn’t stop myself! Hope you fellow pervs enjoyyyyyy this Sunday morning sinning!!! I’m also hitting two horny birds with one stone since @trulyfickle was my 4567th follower and I gifted them with a request… which turned out to be bottom!Arthur, ha!  

(My Art Tag) *Please do not repost(?) or use elsewhere without my permission, thank you.



Merlin Memory Month 2018: Prompt Day 6- Path III- Emotion/Mood: Tension.

(Warning: nsfw)

Merlin clenches
the sheets, back arching under the onslaught of pleasure. He fights to keep his
eyes open, not wanting to miss the exquisite beauty that is Arthur, undulating on
top of him. He has his head thrown back, moaning, as he rides Merlin, slow and

Merlin feels
like he would snap.

Unable to
bear it, Merlin whimpers and thrusts up, craving more. Arthur’s eyes snap open,
his hand coming to rest on Merlin’s chest.

“No. Please.”
He waits until Merlin is still again, his fevered eyes meeting Merlin’s,
imploring. “Let me.”

And Merlin,
gods have mercy, lets him.

(on ao3)


In which Merlin came up with a spell that had Arthur accepting magic a lot sooner! 😉 

Hello! Here’s my submission for Challenge 2 of this year’s Summer Pornathon! The prompt was “MAGIC OF THREE” and it led me to draw this raunchy (but actually pretty conservative) scene. Hope you enjoy my use of the prompt, hehe… Submissions by other artists/writers for this round can be perused with perverse pleasure here: (x)

MY ART TAG … I’ll also share my submissions on AO3: (x)

for the sexy ask game …. ALL OF THEM :D !! (if you want to, ofc)


I wasn’t expecting anything in my inbox omg THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! <333

I hope this is how I was supposed to do the nsfw meme; if not, a million apologies and hope you like it regardless

canon era merthur edition 😀

Who is louder?

Merlin, I feel, because Arthur in the show is ridiculously repressed and I imagine that it’d extend to the bedroom as well, needing to maintain princely/kingly decorum and whatnot. But Arthur would definitely enjoy Merlin losing himself and letting the entire castle know where he is, whom he’s with, and just exactly what he’s doing 😉

Who is more experimental?

Once he gets over the whole Merlin-is-a-treasonous-sorcerer thing, Arthur’s going to take full advantage of Merlin’s magic! (Merlin’s not complaining, especially on the days he can just watch his magic do Arthur its thing).

Who takes more risks?

90% of the time it’s Merlin, using his magic to torment Arthur during council meetings and other Non-Bedroom-Related Important Events on the days Extra-Prat Arthur makes an appearance.

Arthur exacts his revenge in the form of having his way with totes-up-for-it-but-pretending-he’s-not Merlin in all too accessible parts of the castle. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Lights on or off?

Arthur has a thing for seeing Merlin coming undone under him candles and the romantic lighting they provide (source: 5.08) and Merlin hasn’t ever been able to take his eyes off Arthur. ABSOLUTELY ON.

Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? 

By anyone except the other? Merlin, because all day long he’s thinking about Arthur in his nightclothes, Arthur in his tunic, Arthur in his chainmail, Arthur with his sword, Arthur smiling wickedly at him, Arthur’s low voice going “Merlin, won’t you help me undress? Merlin, won’t you join me in the bath? Merlin, won’t you take me tonight? Merlin, use your magic, tie me up, suck me off, sit on me,” and he can’t keep wasting time going back to his room to take care of his problem, Gaius is too traumatised already. So he finds a hidden alcove, and before he knows it, a scandalised maid’s darting down the corridor pretending she never saw a thing.

By the other person? Arthur, because he’s a fucking tease, and on the (rare) days Merlin’s absent from his bed in the morning, he sure likes to try and make Merlin fumble and drop his breakfast tray on the way in 😉

Who comes first?

Merlin, though he doesn’t give up without a fight. Arthur’s weirdly competitive like that and Merlin’s so in love with Arthur that even years later he sometimes can’t believe it’s really happening, he’s really with Arthur, so he just can’t last.

Who is better at oral and who prefers it?

Arthur, once he’s had practice, loves giving it because Merlin loves getting it; Merlin adores seeing his prince, his king, the only person in his life who matters so much to him, on his knees with his face between Merlin’s legs. wow this is really nsfw i didn’t know i could type that out without blushing and yet i did

Who is more submissive?

Neither/ both? I’d think they’re equals in that sense/ react differently according to the particular situation.

Who usually initiates things?

Merlin, because Arthur’s mostly either too exhausted or too vulnerable and insecure to reach out to Merlin who can read Arthur’s mind and needy face like an open book anyway. But Arthur’s the one who keeps track of the mundane things like anniversaries and birthdays and he’s the one that entices Merlin into whiling the day away in bed/ sheltered forest clearing then. 

Who is more sensitive?

where Merlin. Emotionally, physically, any way you can think of. He’s gone through/ going to go through so much ;_; but just to end the post on a happier note, he and his magic respond so joyfully to Arthur’s mere presence that at times, one touch from Arthur is probably enough to make Merlin see stars.