
My contribution to the Merlin Telephone Art Game! Check out the details HERE and you’ll see 4 other great new pieces from other artists! And maybe you’d want to participate? o/ Some suggestions were to add a person, or do an AU interpretation of the piece before me. I did both… plus made things filthy….

Well I had incorrectly detected a nod to “sword-polishing” and was inspired by that, lol… umm… Anyway, I haven’t mentioned this yet, but this scene is meant to be a sequel to THIS drawing (and fic) that I did a while ago to depict Arthur’s Return. Thought I’d add to the happy ending… 😉

(My Art Tag) *Please don’t repost(?) or use elsewhere without my permission, and don’t delete my captions, thanks


Did someone order some tentacle porn? No? Uhhh, too bad I guess cause here’s my pornathon entry for week 1, the kink grab-bag 😉

Click-through for full NSFW drawing!

kinksofcamelot fill: arthur catches merlin masturbating


Fill for the prompt: “Arthur returns to Camelot after weeks of being away for whatever reason. He expects to see Merlin waiting for him, and can’t help but be a little stung when his manservant/lover is nowhere to be seen. When he enters his chambers, though, he’s greeted by the sight of Merlin spread out on his back, hips moving desperately as he fucks himself with a wooden phallus.“

It’s the first time they’ve been away from each other for longer than a few days since—well, forever. Certainly since Arthur confessed his feelings for Merlin. So he thinks it’s understandable to feel a little hurt when he returns to Camelot after four days away and Merlin isn’t there to greet him.

He has Morris help him out of his armour because he’s been clanking around in it for hours and he’s ready to shed the extra weight. Then, he sweeps through the corridors in search of Merlin. Starts to grow worried when no one, not even Gaius, has seen him since morning. Frowning, he makes his way to his chambers at last.

Arthur opens the door to his room and damn near swallows his tongue at the sight that greets him.

Keep reading


Merlin, so filthy… I mean look at those stains! Also, someone really needs to put some sunscreen on you… 😉

(The temperature has gotten pretty high here and while I was melting in my house I drew some summery fanart to suit the heat!)


kink and grief fic mashup :) (just sounds v interesting, idk)


Set in a BDSM AU where people are either a dom, sub, or switch. Arthur is a sub mourning the loss of his sister Morgana. Maybe Arthur blames himself for the accident because he was driving while high or drunk? Anyway, he finds increasingly terrible ways to cope with his grief, some of which include sleeping with asshole doms who ignore his limits/safewords, or get up and leave after a scene without making sure he’s okay, etc. But then he meets Merlin at one of these clubs he’s been frequenting! It’s obvious from the beginning they have great chemistry–both in bed and out of it. Just… gentle!dom Merlin helping Arthur through his grief, treating him right, and giving him lots of love and orgasms! 😀