



New hobby idea: using phrases that sound like down-home folksy expressions you learned from your grandma but are actually just nonsense you just made up

– that man really salts my melon!

– you know what they say, it takes a bushel of corn to feed one chicken

– a louse will live on any head it lands on

– don’t put down a salt lick and say you ain’t got cows

– there’s a guy who eats half the berries and says the pie shell’s too big

– like digging a pond and hoping for ducks

This was supposed to be a joke and all but as a southerner, these still make sense.

its weird these don’t mean anything but you can still kind of intuit what they would mean if they were things people actually said.

These all actually kinda make sense hahaha

a letter from the end of the first week of hogwarts


albus severus: dear mum and dad

albus severus: i was in the library today

albus severus: reading a book about previous heads of hogwarts

albus severus: and i would just like to say

albus severus: are you fucking serious

albus severus: i demand a name change immediately

albus severus: just literally anything else please

albus severus: fucking dobby kreacher potter for all i care

albus severus: sorry for swearing i just

albus severus: bloody hell

albus severus: yours sincerely,

albus severus: aragog fang potter or some shit



When my cousin Olivia was three, she started preschool and became best friends with a boy named Abraham.  Most people called him Abe, even then, because Abraham is a mouthful for a three year old and, to most people, it’s the logical nickname.

Not, however, according to Olivia, who decided to nickname him Ham.

No one’s really sure whether she wasn’t totally listening when he was introduced and only caught the last part of his name, or if she decided Abe was too boring a nickname, or maybe she was just hungry, but the nickname has stuck for the last twenty years.  Of course, Olivia was and still is the only person to use it.

When they were seven or eight, he decided to get back at her by calling her Olive.  That nickname stuck, too, and they’ve been Olive and Ham since.  But only to each other.  They get highly offended if anyone else calls them that.

Last night was their seventh anniversary, and Abe proposed to Olivia, and she said yes.  And how did she announce it on Facebook, you may ask?

People used to tell me “If you like ham so much, why don’t you just marry it?”  So I am.

Shout out to Olive and Ham, who are still engaged and adorable and who are planning on getting married sometime next summer





It’s so absolutely heartbreaking because of how true it is.

This is fucking toxic. Having an abusive past doesn’t justify shitty behavior.

Umm… what shitty behavior? You mean the shit he did pre-Iron Man? Before his redemption arc? 

In that case, I guess we are not allowed to be a fan of many Marvel characters – because, newsflash: a lot of them have shitty pasts and did incredibly shitty things. Several characters were literal assassins (Natasha, Clint, Gamora, Nebula). One was a slaver (Brunnhilde). One was a spoiled prince with a thirst for genocide (Thor). One worked for a Nazi organization (Wanda). I mean… I love all of those characters because they became better people in spite of their past history. 

I mean… what has Tony done that is so unforgivable? Especially when he has an extensive laundry list of heroism and good deeds–many of which are 100% selfless. Where he puts his own life on the line for the good of others.  

  • Flew the nuke into the wormhole in The Avengers to save everyone even though he knew it would most likely kill him. 
  • Saved a young Peter Parker from Vanko’s drones in Iron Man 2. 
  • Saved the entire compliment of Air Force One in Iron Man 3 after they started falling to their deaths–even though he was told he could only save four of them.
  • Liberated hostages from Gulmira in Iron Man. (And destroyed the illegal Stark weapons that Ten Rings was hoarding.) 
  • I mean… Tony was award Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 2009 for his humanitarian deeds. (This is MCU canon.) 
  • Here’s some news clippings of Tony’s canonical heroism (that weren’t shown in the movies. but did happen): 
    • “Eager to establish public goodwill […] Mr. Stark crisscrossed the globe to lend a hand to those in need.”
    • “In California, Iron Man extinguished runaway wildfires with sonic blasts and helped evacuate families trapped behind the firebreak.”
    • “At Los Angeles International Airport, Iron Man brought a stricken airliner in for a safe touchdown.”
    • “When an experimental “miracle submarine” experienced trouble in the Pacific, Iron Man saved its crew from perishing in the ocean depths.”
    • “By intervening in a number of political brushfires across Eastern Europe, Iron Man earned widespread praise for establishing East-West relations.”
  • Tony’s first priority after his three month long torture in Afghanistan was to call a press conference and immediately stop manufacturing weapons. He was determined to change Stark Industries into one that does good for the world. His reason had nothing to do with himself (he didn’t care about his own injury), but the fact he became aware of the harm his weapons were doing to innocent people. 
  • Tony turned Stark Industries into a green energy company. He is trying to bring renewable, sustainable energy sources to the world. 
  • Tony took the battle with Ebony Maw away from Earth to protect as many lives as he could. According to the directors’ commentary, Tony took the fight away from Earth because the vision from Age of Ultron was still inside his head. He didn’t want his friends or citizens on Earth to die. 
  • Speaking of the vision, Tony created Ultron because his worst fear in the entire world is his friends dying while he still lives. 
  • Tony designed an entire new nanotech suit to protect Peter to the best of his ability. 
  • Tony’s first priority when the Q ship arrived was to call first responders to help evacuate the city. 
  • Tony went to Germany to apprehend Team Cap because he was afraid Ross was going to send a kill squad. Tony was nervous during his conversation with Ross where he’s practically begging to help because he’s that terrified and stressed, fretting about the life of a man he considers a friend. That’s why Tony kept rubbing his chest. He thought he was having a heart-attack. 
  • Tony donates millions to students so they can “reframe the future” (September Foundation). He has an entire organization designed to help civilians after disaster (Stark Relief Foundation).
  • Tony took the arc reactor out of his chest to save the life of Harley’s bully. It almost killed him, but he’s a selfless hero. 
  • Tony designed customized rooms/floors for the Avengers right after the Battle of NYC. He was so excited about his new superhero family, and wanted to make them comfortable and happy.
  • Tony holds onto fanmail he gets from children and looks over them on date night with Pepper. 
  • Tony personalizes autographs to kids. 
  • Tony makes smoothies for the team because hydration is important. 
  • Tony bothered to replace Harley’s little sister’s watch (and it was limited addition); this was after he told a man he would be the first to die after he broke the watch. 
  • Tony completely retrofitted Harley’s garage as thanks for his help. 
  • Tony offered to fly Coulson to Portland so he could see his gal (”Keep love alive!”) 
  • Tony was working on a new shield for Steve even though they had a terrible falling out. He carried around the fully-charged flip phone Steve gave him at the end of Captain America: Civil War (according to the Russos, Tony held onto the original phone since it’s what Steve gave him; that’s why he didn’t transfer the number to a more modern phone).

I mean I could go on and on about how Tony is far from a shitty person with even more examples of why he’s a good man, but, by all means, hold on to your wrong opinion. And I’ll kindly ask you not to hijack any of my posts again.

can we also mention how people actually can’t read when they don’t want to read if their eyes are dirty with hatred because nobody said abuse justified tony’s adult decisions, it was just said that his mental problems are being dismissed 99% of the time