


from the LGBT symbols wiki page

ace flag at stonewall

and some bonus pictures of aces at pride!

in conclusion, dont let anyone on this dumb hellsite tell you you’re not lgbt. nobody in the real world cares. the discourse only exists on tumblr. so go out there and be you’re ace ass self and dont worry about the bullshit on this site.

Ever since I found out that the UNITED NATIONS include asexuals (and aromantics!) I don’t give a shit about the discourse™ on this hellsite anymore

(document published by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees)



It’s been one day and this post is already up to nearly 5k notes and that makes me so happy because THE MERLIN FANDOM IS SO ALIVE RIGHT NOW.
Seriously, thank you all so much for sticking around, you guys are the best! Here’s to the next 10, yeah?? 🎉



It took a year to write this story.  Which is as long as We Begin Again took.  It was because of Life and Job and Family, and also because I write slower than even that Thrones Guy does. 

I absolutely don’t regret my snail’s pace, though, because it has provided the Merlin fandom with SO MUCH BEAUTIFUL ART.  

It was an absolute joy to work with @lao-pendragon over the past year, to see TWENTY-FIVE scenes that I wrote turn into her beautiful art.  (!!)

A huge thank you to Lao, and also to my Beta/Cheerleader @bluesimplicity73 , and finally to the  BBC Merlin After Camlann Mods for arranging everything for the Merlin fandom.  

I hope you all enjoy the fluff fest of Merthur love linked below.

LINK (UPDATED): Our Destinies Our Own (AO3)

LINK: After Camlann Big Bang Festposting started Sept 1 (AO3)

Updated with correct link to the story (although it’s available through the Collection too.