

Merlin rewatch

One thing is certain. The druids, Kilgarrah and the followers of the Old Religion drove Arthur to his death, using Merlin as the domino to set things in motion.

They claimed to be seeking the time of Arthur, the time of the Once and Future King, when magic would be free and restored. But the actions they took, the ‘wisdom’ they imparted, were directly involved in sealing his doom.

Merlin and Arthur would have been fine on their own, would probably have lived happily ever after, had kilgarah not poisoned his mind against Mordred and Morgana, when they were both still innocent and inclined towards good.

Morgana would not have learned of her true heritage had it not been for the seer pressuring a reluctant Merlin into gazing into the crystals at the Crystal Cave, and therefore ensuring that he would cause the future they had shown him.

Merlin is used as the instrument in ensuring Arthur’s downfall.

And I can’t think of a crueler fate than a man who was devoted to his king so completely, having eternity to come to the realization that it was those who were supposed to help him, his mentors in magic and his destiny, that made him an instrument in killing his dearest friend.

I’m getting great enjoyment out of the fact that this post is my first to break the 4, 5 and 600 note mark, and almost all of the reblogs include hashtags telling me to fuck off.