Merlin, you are not a sorcerer. I would know!

I would know, because I know all there is to know about you. I would know because I’ve been around you for ten years and can count the days you haven’t smiled. I would know because you’re the only friend I have, you have my full trust, because I would give my life for you. Because you would give your life for me, because you trust me. Because you’re the only one whose trust and faith in me means anything to me and to not be trusted by my only friend, my confidante, the one person who sees me for who I am…

I would know, because you trust me.

I unfortunately like angst as much as I like fluff, so here goes : things you said when we were the happiest we ever were + Merthur. :)

how dare you!? (kidding. but how dare you) (i tried 100w this time, i hope it’s okay!!)

on AO3 here.

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“Look at them,” Arthur whispers. Merlin yawns. “They’re sleeping together. We should do that.”

“What d’you think this is,” Merlin mutters, lazily patting Arthur on his stomach.

“But he’s got a hand between her—”

“Then you should prolly stop staring.”

“I want to do that with you!”

Merlin props himself up on an elbow. “Really?” he asks, smiling widely, making sure not to glance Tristan and Isolde’s way. Arthur cups Merlin’s face, leaning in for a kiss that Merlin doesn’t give.

“Ask me once you’re you again,” Merlin breathes.

“I will,” Arthur promises. Merlin curls into Arthur’s side, drowsy, hoping.

For the ask meme – Merthur, #18. (shh no I’m not being greedy and asking for more fic why would you think that) Also a roll of thunder just shook my entire house omg O_O

18. things you said when you were scared

thank you for the prompt! ❤ C: I kept myself to 200 words this time (I really wish Google were more helpful/ there were a global consensus on fic lengths and nomenclature). I hope you like it!

The mini fic is posted under the cut! And also on AO3 here.

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“You idiot!” Arthur roared. Merlin flinched, chagrined as Arthur strode over. He should’ve got out of sight earlier.

“What the fuck were you doing, right in the beast’s line of sight?”

Ensuring it didn’t gore you, Merlin hissed inwardly. Arthur caught something of Merlin’s defiance in his eyes and dragged him deep into the thickets, away from the knights milling about the eviscerated creature’s ruins.

Merlin hadn’t expected to be shoved up against a tree—he opened his mouth to protest when he caught the utterly gutted look on Arthur’s face.

“I really should stop bringing you everywhere, you’re fucking useless,” Arthur said, lowering his head onto Merlin’s chest, ear over where Merlin knew his heart beat steadily.

“Sorry, sire,” Merlin snapped. “I’ll be certain to stand by and watch you get killed next time.”

Arthur looked up, then. Hooked a thumb in Merlin’s mouth and slid his tongue past the seam, making Merlin melt into the bark at his back—keeping his hand pressed against Merlin’s jaw as he kissed and licked at him, both forgetting to breathe in the chaos of Arthur’s frustration, Merlin’s devotion.

“You had better,” Arthur said, stepping back, drawing his thumb into his mouth.