
#12 Lugholes

a 150w drabble for @yesimafan

(on AO3 here.)

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“Come off it, Arthur,” said Merlin, but he sounded uncertain as he raised a hand to his ear and rubbed at the soft cartilage.

Arthur fought to remain solemn. “No, I’m telling you, there’s something there.”

Merlin rubbed harder. “What is it?”

Arthur made a show of inspecting Merlin’s ear, humming and tugging on it. “Goodness, how’ve you not noticed it for so long?”

“Just say it,” Merlin said, the urgency in his voice rising with every word. “Am I dying?” How fragrant he was in the morning, smelling of soap, kitchen aromas, and (most importantly) Arthur’s bed.

“We’ll get Gaius to take a look, or perhaps I could try getting rid of it.”


Arthur leant in and soundly kissed Merlin’s lovely ear. “There, it’s gone now,” he said, “but I should make sure.” And he pecked him repeatedly, smiling fondly.

Merlin’s tension melted; he burst into sweet laughter.

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