
the side effects of sobriety

Arthur knows Merlin loves him.

a 100w drabble for a kind anon.

(on AO3 here.)

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Arthur knows Merlin loves him. He’s as sure of it as he is that Morgana and Leon are dallying with each other. Even surer of it than his right to the throne.

Merlin keeps confirming it each time he downs a tankard of the Rising Sun’s ale, after all. One whiff of a barmaid’s apron and Merlin goes off like a firework.

“I bloody adore you, you big-headed prat,” Merlin will shout. “Let’s snog.”

“When you’re clear-headed tomorrow, sweetheart,” Arthur will reply, hopeful each time.

“Promise?” The utter joy on Merlin’s face is so —


But Merlin never asks sober.

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