
since my follower count’s increased in the past couple days i’ll make a brand new introduction post

hello i’m Ato but you can also call me AP (like the american calculus class) because my ao3 username is arthur_pendragon (i’m so lucky). this blog is full of reblogs from other people ie it is very unoriginal and not even my tags can save it now

i do however aggressively promote my fics in that i reblog posts about them and say self-deprecating shit because 1. it’s true and 2. it’s true

i will most certainly not hold it against you if you unfollow. pls feel free to do so any day, any time, for any/no reason. your dash is your happy place

and lastly THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING ME, i crave that sweet validation

also here’s my ao3 if you wanna peruse it, idk, your choice, maybe don’t do it:

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