mickey mouse clubhouse = camelot

this is all @schweetheart‘s fault. also hear me out.

mickey mouse –> merlin. (EARS)

donald duck –> arthur. (splutters when asked to come up with reasonable excuses. nearly always indignant. “i’m fighting fit!”)

minnie mouse –> gwen. (what a sweetheart)

daisy duck –> morgana. (elaborate dress + acc. to Daisy Duck’s Wikipedia page: “Daisy herself sometimes exhibits a temper, but she has much greater self-control than Donald.”)

and the crowning glory, the grand finale, the pièce de résistance:

goofy –> gwaine. (Wikipedia: “He is normally characterized as extremely clumsy and dimwitted, yet this interpretation is not always definitive; occasionally Gwaine Goofy is shown as intuitive, and clever, albeit in his own unique, eccentric way.”)

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