If you like : Merlin + Marvel





Essentially just M&M’s. And who doesn’t love M&M’s??!

Jokes asides – I need your honest attention here. 

Merlin fans have suffered for a long time. In fact, its been over 10 since its first appearance on TV with a steady 6~ million people watching the series through the years of 5 seasons. 

It’s been 6 years since the end.

And questions like this, show how unbelievable the ending had been; 

Our Merlin fandom has grown, there are a lot more people (such as myself) joining the fandom albeit late. However, we suffer equally and push ourselves upright through productions of Fan Art, Fanfic, reblogs and overally keeping Merlin alive. 

That also includes supporting our beloved actors, whom we miss so dearly.

I think we can all agree that BBC Merlin did us dirty.

We as fans got an abrupt, and thoroughly rushed ending. We wanted more, to see more of the Kingdom Arthur claimed Merlin helped him built. To see more of the knights, more stories with our favorite characters.

But we got non of that. Now times have changed and we have accepted that nothing ever would have lasted and the hurtful ending would’ve just hurt us more after we had grown even more attached.

Now, some things do last.

If you happen to go by the name Pendragon, Arthur – for instance.

A myth that says the King That Was and Shall Be will awaken one day when Albion is in great need. 

Us, fans all over the world, long for a season 6 – Alas that had and could not come due to the harsh ending. 

However, there is a way to make an Arthur/Merlin reunion, featuring Morgana and many Merlin characters within the story.

Here is the deal; there is a particular Marvel comic of there that needs shining upon. 


Additional information, although I recommend reading the plot from the net, here’s a taste: 


Characters, main:

Brian Brad(ley James)dock


Merlyn (Colin Morgan)


Roma (Katie McGrath)


This could, potentially mean ANOTHER MARVEL film, and although the latest marvel movie had a shocking ending (no spoilers), this potentially could fill in some story holes. Or have a past Captain Britian and Captain America meeting.

Make the hype real. Honest to god, its in your hands, or rather in your voice which istg is best delivered through social media – so back2; its all in your hands. 

Your voice may be small, but together our voices will grab the attention we need to have our hearts be at ease with a HIGHLY POSSIBLE marvel movie starring The Once And Future King, a Legendary Warlord called Merlyn and a beautiful looking lass looking like Morgana/Katie McGrath.

Help our Fandom find peace at last. Help this become a dream come through! 

(Let me revive the ‘Arthur dying’ vibe to get our hearts mourning again, and for Merlin who dealt with so much loneliness)

This needs to happen

He also happens to be a brit, to make the possibility even more fitting! Also he is such an awesome actor, he really needs his shine of recognition!

@katherynefromphilly I’ve been reading your star fic again, and the emotions are flowing especially how easily the connection can be made from Old Merlin to changing back to prime Merlin (as it happens in Captain Britain) and how beautifully a long awaited follow up is available for Arthur returning as Brian Braddock. 

this could work out to be a great Merlin AU … im crying asgdfgjwk

The casting of Bradley as Captain Britain is an EXCEPTIONALLY GREAT IDEA.

I actually read a lot of Captain Britain stories when he was part of Excalibur, though he was rather dim mentally in that series.

And awesome as it is to imagine Colin opposite him on screen again, it’s almost equally awesome to imagine a crossover Captain America / Captain Britain movie.

Chris Evans and Bradley James fighting together in a marvel movie… *faints*

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