6, 11, 12, 21


6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?

Oh dear. Not long ago I would have chosen wintercearig for this, because I just. Um. **shuffles awkwardly** Writing that fic was a nightmare, okay? I hated it so much I just wanted to burn it. But then someone wrote this really lovely long comment on it, and I was inspired to write an epilogue, and now I don’t hate it quite so much. To be honest though I probably feel like this about most of my stories every other day so it’s hard to pick just one.

11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?

Mm, maybe? I mean, occasionally people catch typos or factual errors, and there was one fic where Merlin broke his ankle but apparently wasn’t in enough pain, so I changed it so that he only sprained it or something. Nothing major, though, that I can remember.

12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?

Depends on the fandom, really. In Merlin, it’s definitely Arthur, because he’s the one I relate to the most. 

21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?



There are so many writers I admire for what they’ve written – I mean, y’all have probably heard me fangirling over Gaderene, right? The way unpossible gets right inside the character’s heads and stays there and slyly sneaks information up on the reader and the fucking world building, man, if I could write that well I would die happy, you know? But also nympha_alba’s Destiny That Darkly Hides Us is so fucking gorgeous, the language, I want to roll myself up in it and just sort of BASK because damn it if that isn’t porn for word nerds. But on the other hand there are stories like The Practice Boyfriend which make me cry because they are so damn sweet, or Gibraltar May Tumble because ALL MY FAVOURITE THINGS IN ONE PLACE, or astolat’s The Beltane Cycle because damn, I am a sucker for mythology and folktales done right and hell if that isn’t done SO RIGHT.

But, like, I also admire Fifty_Fifty because I have seen her stories go from solid drafts to fabulous finished works and I’ve seen how much effort she puts in (and also because she is a saint and doesn’t yell at me when I tell her to move this bit around and maybe expand that part a bit more and also possibly commas) and Enki because of the ANGST and Katie because she is brave and Ato because hi you got me to read incest fic and actually love it that takes talent and Tee because this fic essentially killed me and brought me back to life and basically everyone in this fandom is really talented, okay, and I admire them all for so many reasons, don’t test me on this I could talk about y’all all day.

you… you read those fics………….. I DID NOT KNOW THAT!?


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