The Krusty Krab Conspiracy




Okay so you know how on The Krusty Krab there are flags on the front


Right, so I remembered the other day that there is a Maritime Flag Language for sailors, and each flag has a different meaning, but when put together, they spell out a word. I have decided to figure out what it says.


Mkay so here’s the thing this center flag 


does not exist so I can only assume that they are trying to mimic the first flag on the list? Also, the 4th one appears to be upside-down.

But what it says (if you assume it’s the first one) is Romeo-India-Alpha-Uniform-Kilo or RIAUK which, from detailed internet research, only seems to be a 43-year-old woman on a dating website I’ve never heard of. Since that is not a word, I am going to investigate into the ICS (International Code of Signal) flag meanings using Wikipedia

So according to Wiki, it says

(Kay so Romeo doesn’t have an ICS meaning so we are off to a great start)-                                                                                                                     “I am altering my course to port.”-                                                                    “I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.” –                                

“You are running into danger.”-                                                                         “I wish to communicate with you.”

So what we can gather from this is that the creators/artist for the classic series Spongebob Squarepants have absolutely no idea what the Maritime Flag Language is. 

i was hoping to find somerhing interesting and then u pull the rug

reading this was completely useless for sure

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